Not trying to be a dick but...
Hardly any one was funny, ALOT was Used before, And Most of them is like G Rated humor but with Bleeped or Cursing or Blood in it. Such as Toad and the Ghost.
Also, Most of the Jokes can be predicted and has been used alot, Like the Mario one, I've seen like 10 Mario Getting high on Mushrooms Flashes, I laughed at the first, But Its been Used already and I've seen it before, So I'm Moving on, The only jokes I liked Was the Sound of the Scene Changing and The Figure you put it in, Such as the 'Shoop da woop' One. Nothing less, The Ghrapics are Nice But It cant be funny just by that, (Well It can sometimes,) It was Rated 4+ But that the User's Opinion, I rated a 3/5 And 5/10 For Ghrapics, I just hope you read this before It gets Marked As abusive and Gets thumbed downed Out Because Of No-lives Who spend their time giving Peoples Respected Opinions Rude Comments about it.